It doesn’t get much better than autumn in Paris unless you add Dr. Jane Goodall giving a historic speech at UNESCO World Headquarters, which is exactly what happened this past Saturday, October 19, 2024.

UNESCO world headquarters, Paris, France. © Gorilla Doctors

It just worked out that one of our team was working in Paris when Dr. Goodall’s speech was announced. And thanks to the many partners we’ve made through our work with GRASP (Great Ape Survival Partnership), we were able to attend along with about 1,300 people from around the world.

Waiting for Dr. Jane Goodall to take the stage! UNESCO, October 19, 2024. © Gorilla Doctors

Dr. Goodall spoke for nearly an hour sharing both her personal and professional journey from curious, animal-loving child to pioneering chimpanzee researcher and now as global messenger of hope. She did not mince words. We are destroying our planet. But there is still time to reverse course, and she absolutely believes there are many reasons for us to be hopeful. The power of children to inspire a different world is her most passionate source of hope for our future.

She also made it clear that hope is not just a feeling. Hope requires action. And that begins with each one of us no matter where we are or what we are currently doing. Taking action does not have to be big or loud or impact many. We must simply begin.

Dr. Jane Goodall gives historic speech at UNESCO, October 19, 2024. © Gorilla Doctors

She left the audience with two essential questions and a directive to get to work: every night before you go to sleep ask yourself –

  • Did I leave the world a little bit better today?
  • What are we leaving behind for our children?

We hear you Dr. Jane and will continue to advance Gorilla Doctors mission to conserve the health of eastern gorillas using science and a One Health approach centered on the understanding that we are all connected. In case you missed it, READ our Executive Director’s call to action for the Gorilla Doctors community.

A very special thanks to the Jane Goodall Institute for including Gorilla Doctors in this once in a lifetime event.