Maisha and Kaboko Update
By Gorilla Doctors Staff on Thursday, December 16th, 2010 in Uncategorized.Maisha in a tree. Photo courtesy Sinziana Demian, DFGFI
This blog is by Dr. Eddy and Dr. Jan.
Maisha seems to have settled into her new home as Senkwekwe Center very nicely. She enjoys going outside and exploring, and enjoys the security of the night house as well.
Kaboko feeling ill.
Kaboko, on the other hand, took a little while to adjust. Poor boy was quite suspicious, and the first 3 days he stayed outside all the time, hiding in the thick foliage, avoiding all human contact. One night it rained hard, and the next day he came into the night house cold and wet, and with a little diarrhea. What started as a little diarrhea soon blossomed into severe, and he stopped eating. We were worried. According to Dr. Eddy, Kaboko looked pitiful – laying on his side, touching his stomach as if it hurt, and in general looking like he felt terrible.
Kaboko feeling much better, eating solid foods again.
Dr. Eddy stayed at Senkwekwe Center for a week while he and the caregivers Andre, Fabien and Innocent worked hard to get Kaboko to take his medicine and drink lots of fluids, while he was kept in the night house for observation. Fortunately Kaboko responded nicely to his antibiotic and TLC, and he is back to his old self, going outside with Maisha, and coming into the night house at night, and enjoying the compay of his caregivers.