Houston Zoo Crew Works with Gorilla Doctors

Houston Zoo Crew Works with Gorilla Doctors By Gorilla Doctors Staff on Friday, August 23rd, 2024 in Blog.

At the beginning of August, seven extraordinary teenagers from the Houston Zoo’s Zoo Crew program spent a few days with Gorilla Doctors at our regional headquarters in Musanze, Rwanda. The students spent more than six months preparing for their trip and their 12-day adventure culminated with trekking deep into Volcanoes National Park with Gorilla Doctors […]

Notes from the Forest: Checking on Mutobo Group

silverback mountain gorilla By Gorilla Doctors Staff on Tuesday, July 9th, 2024 in Blog.

By Dr. Adrien Emile Ntwari, Field Veterinarian, Rwanda Welcome to my first “Notes from the Forest” where we share our latest field updates on the health of endangered mountain gorillas and critically endangered Grauer’s (eastern lowland) gorillas. Where I work in Volcanoes National Park, on the Rwanda side of the Virunga Massif, we monitor the […]

Dr. Lina’s Special Forest Encounter

Dr. Lina's Special Forest Encounter By Gorilla Doctors Staff on Wednesday, May 8th, 2024 in Blog.

By Dr. Lina Nturubika, field veterinarian, DR Congo A couple of weeks ago I was in the forest on my way to conduct a routine health check of Bonane group. This is a family of ten critically endangered Grauer’s gorillas in Kahuzi-Biega National Park. I love visiting this group because it has four infants! I […]

Busy Boy Bonane – A Newborn Grauer’s Gorilla

Busy Boy Bonane - A Newborn Grauer's Gorilla By Gorilla Doctors Staff on Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023 in Blog.

We are thrilled to announce a newborn Grauer’s gorilla in Bonane group at Kahuzi-Biega National Park, DR Congo. On Monday, Dr. Lina conducted a routine health check of the group and was delighted to see adult female Mukono holding her newborn (2-3 days old). Silverback Bonane has been busy! This is the second infant born […]

The Lonely Loved One

The Lonely Loved One By Gorilla Doctors Staff on Monday, January 16th, 2023 in Blog.

By Dr. Gaspard Nzayisenga, field veterinarian, Rwanda During my health monitoring of Muhoza group on January 5, I was surprised to find Inkundwa, a lone silverback mountain gorilla, interacting with Muhoza group (led by silverback Muhoza). Apparently, there had been a fight early that morning before our arrival, which resulted in a couple of minor […]

Chasing a dream while being chased by a gorilla

Chasing a dream while being chased by a gorilla By Gorilla Doctors Staff on Tuesday, March 9th, 2021 in Blog.

Our newest Gorilla Doctor in DR Congo, Fabrice Katembo Malonga, started in his position with us in July 2020. We decided to sit down and have a conversation about what he has learned so far, how the gorillas have surprised him, and what has been his biggest challenge. Before joining Gorilla Doctors, Dr. Fabrice first […]

UPDATE: Infant Theodore Thriving after Snare Removal

UPDATE: Infant Theodore Thriving after Snare Removal By Gorilla Doctors Staff on Wednesday, October 7th, 2020 in Blog.

Back in July, Dr. Eddy and Jean-Paul successfully removed a snare from Theodore, a two-year-old infant mountain gorilla from Humba group in Virunga National Park, DR Congo. On September 23rd, Drs. Eddy and Fabrice (our newest Gorilla Doctor) conducted a routine health check of Humba group and found Theodore thriving. According to Dr. Eddy’s field […]

The Positive Ripple Effect of Saving One Mountain Gorilla

The Positive Ripple Effect of Saving One Mountain Gorilla By Gorilla Doctors Staff on Monday, September 14th, 2020 in Blog.

Ruterana, a female mountain gorilla in Rushegura group, who just gave birth on August 29th, makes a great case for the importance of treating individual gorillas for the good of the entire species. Gorilla Doctors first started monitoring and treating Ruterana in 2012 for a heavy parasite burden that was impacting her health. More recently, […]

Did you Know (Part 2 of 4): Keeping Gorillas Healthy Everyday

Did you Know (Part 2 of 4): Keeping Gorillas Healthy Everyday By Gorilla Doctors Staff on Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020 in Blog.

34…365…24…7…679…300…45…91…1/2 These numbers add up to a big win for mountain gorilla conservation. Keep reading to find out how… In Part 2 of our 4-part series, we show you the heart of our work – providing life-saving veterinary care for ill or injured wild eastern gorillas in Rwanda, Uganda and DR Congo – and the […]

Our Work Continues

Our Work Continues By Gorilla Doctors Staff on Friday, March 27th, 2020 in Blog.

In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, the work of Gorilla Doctors and our monitoring of gorilla health has become more important than ever as we are the only organization in the world dedicated to providing veterinary care to ill or injured eastern gorillas (mountain and Grauer’s). Together with government wildlife authorities we continue our […]